Warhammer 40K Imperium Magazine Issue 56&57 Review13th Oct 2022
With the Adeptus Sororitas collection now complete, we have about 5 months to go before the last two collections are complete. Let us have a look at Warhammer 40K Imperium issues 56 and 57 to see what is keeping us busy other over the next couple of weeks.
Included in Issue 56 are the Magazine itself, and two new paints, Administratum Grey and Balor Brown. These two paints make a nice addition to our collection, adding some variety.
Included in Issue 57 are the Magazine itself, and our second of 3 Necron Tomb Blades. These fast attack options come with three weapon options and a selection of gizmos to help improve their combat efficiency. Make sure to look up online the different ways to assemble these models as the magazine only shows the standard way.
If you want to store your paints then look no further than grabbing yourself a KRH with the PNT-PP-B set which gives you space to store 54 pots in an easy to carry case. If you have been collecting at least 1 copy of each issue so far then you will already have 25 brand new paints all in need of somewhere to store or be taken on the road for one of those elusive miniature painting holiday weekends.
To store the Tomb Blades we recommend the NE11P11 tray which can store 4 of these models. However we would suggest getting the NE11P13 as the collection only comes with 3 Tomb Blades and this tray holds all 3 plus the Spyder you also have with the collection.
If you are also subscribed like us and plan to collect all the magazine issues then please check out our review of issue 1 with a list of trays perfect to hold the entire miniature collection here. You can also check out our Imperium TrayGuide here: https://www.krcases.com/trayguide/IMPMAG, for a better look at our trays for the collection.
KR Cases - putting figures first