KR Multicase Core Sets for the Dominion Collection14th Jul 2021
With the arrival of the Dominion set and many people's start on their road to Warhammer Age of Sigmar, we have a range of core sets for them! Keep an eye out for our new custom trays coming soon!
The first set is the Stormcast Eternals. These sigmarite clad warriors in new Thunderstrike armour can be stored in our AOS-DMSC-A set! This set will fill a KRM card case, and can store Yndrasta, 3 Praetors, 3 Annihilators, 10 Vindictors, 1 Lord Imperatent, Gryph Hound, 1 Knight Arcanum, and 1 Knight Vexillor in our pick&pluck trays, with room for some expansion.
On the other hand, the cunning and brutal Kruleboys can be stored in our AOS-DMKB-A! This trayset will also be stored in a KRM, and will hold the Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof , 1 Murknob with Belcha-banna,1 Swampcalla Shaman, 1 Pot-grot, 1 Killaboss, 1 Stab-grot, 3 Man-skewer Boltboyz, 10 Gutrippaz and 20 Hobgrot Slittaz, with space ready for more and more Kruleboys soon to come!
And for the entire collection, our AOS-DMAA-A set can carry every miniature from the Dominion box set! This set is larger, requiring a KRX card case! But there's plenty of space for all your miniatures and space for even more.
You can find more information on the Stormcast Eternal tray recommendations here, and the Kruleboyz can be found here, which will be expanded with their new models - and if you need everything in Dominion you can find the TrayGuide page here. And when you've selected your cases and trays, you can use our TraySelector page here to order them.
KR Multicase - putting figures first