
Figure Cases and Trays for Tabletop Gaming

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Magnetic Tray 35mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Tray 51mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 51mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Tray 70mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 70mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Tray 110mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base large vehicles and monsters up to 110mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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18 troops

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20 troops

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18 troops

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20x Dog-Warriors (Human)/ Antipode Assault (Human)/ Ariadna Scout/ Scots Guards/ 9th Wulver Grenadiers/ Scots Guards 6th Caledonian/ Uxia McNeill/ Intel Spec-Ops/ 112, Emergency Service/ William Wallace/ Chasseurs/ Equipe Mirage-5 (Human)/ Scout/

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2x Maruts TAG

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15x Samekh Rebot/ Probot/ Zayin Rebot/ or 10x Garuda Tacbot

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8x Charontids or 12x Drone Remotes/ Sogarat/ Skiavoros

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2x Anathematic

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4-6 largest figures

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8x Overdron/ Xeodron Batroids

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2x Maghariba Guard

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15x Tech-Bee/ Armbots/  Spitfire Armbot/ Heavy Shotgun Armbot/ Mulebots/ Dronebot Remotes

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Magnetic Trayset each 35mm deep
Full width trays each 380mm x 255mm x 35mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Trayset each 51mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm x 51mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 51mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Trayset 70mm and 35mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm. The deep tray is ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 70mm tall and the shallower tray is ideal for magetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Trayset 110mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm. This deep tray is ideal for magnetised base large vehicles and monsters up to 110mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Infinity (all factions) Card case (half size), ideal for medium Infinity factions

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Infinity (all factions) Card case (standard size), ideal for a full Infinity faction

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Infinity (all factions) Card case (one and a half size), ideal for an expanded Infinity faction

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2x Maghariba Guard

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Infinity (all factions) Card case (double depth), ideal for large Infinity factions

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4x Su-Jian/ Guijia/ Mowang Troop

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160 Infinity Models

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15x Samekh Rebot/ Probot/ Zayin Rebot/

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20x Nahab/ Hacker/ Specialist/ Namurr/ Zhayedan/ Khawarij/ Odalisques/ Najjarun Engineer/ Nasmat/ Ghulam Doctor/ Hassassin Ragiks/ Lasiq/ Hakim/ Asawira/ Muyibs/ Daylami/ Ayyar/ Muyib/ Farzan/ Govads/ Tuerag/

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20x Pavel McMannus/ Streloks (Human)/ Irmandinhos/ Frontoviks/ Line Kazaks/ Kazak Spetsnazs/ Tank Hunters/ Chasseurs/ Veteran Kazak/ Caledonian Mormaers/ Irmandinhos/ 3rd Highlander Grey Rifles/ 1st Highlanders S.A.S./ Intel Spec-Ops/ Caledonian Volunteers/ 6th Airborne Ranger Regiment/ Caledonoan Highlanders/ 5th Minutemen 'OHIO'/ The Unknown Ranger/ Marauders/ Foxtrot Rangers/ Roger Van Zant/ USAriadna Grunts/ Harcases/ 45h Highlander Rifles/

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10x Kriza Borac/ Reaktion Zond/ Vertigo Zond/ Meteor Zond/ Lizard TAG

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15x Tech-Bee/ Armbots/ Peacemaker Armbot/ Spitfire Armbot/ Heavy Shotgun Armbot/ Mulebots/ Bulleteer/ Dronebot Remotes

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12x Drone Remotes/ Sogarat/ Skiavoros

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8x Kasym Beg on Bike/ Kum Riders/ Kameel Remote

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8x Overdron/ Xeodron Batroids

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Infinity Set A: Holds 40x Infantry, 15x Auxbots/ Remotes, 2x Large Units

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Infinity Set B: Holds 40x Infantry, 8x Medium models/ Support, 2x Large Models

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Infinity (all factions) KaiserHalf transport bag, ideal for medium Infinity factions

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Infinity (all factions) Kaiser1 transport bag, ideal for a full Infinity faction

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Infinity (all factions) Kaiser2 transport bag, ideal for large Infinity factions

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Infinity (all factions) Aquilla4 case (half size), ideal for medium Infinity factions

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Infinity (all factions) Aquilla6 case (half size), ideal for medium Infinity factions

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Infinity (all factions) Backpack2 (1 case), ideal for a full Infinity faction

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Infinity (all factions) Backpack2 (2 cases), ideal for large Infinity factions

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Infinity (all factions) Standard Aluminium case, ideal for a full Infinity faction

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Infinity (all factions) Standard Aluminium case, ideal for a full Infinity faction

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Infinity (all factions) Standard Aluminium case, ideal for a full Infinity faction

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Infinity Set A: Holds 40x Infantry, 15x Auxbots/ Remotes, 2x Large Units in a Pre-Filled Card case (standard size) including 2x N4H,1x N3H,1x D2H,1x V5H trays.

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Infinity Set B: Holds 40x Infantry, 8x Medium models/ Support, 2x Large Models in a Pre-Filled Card case (standard size) including 2x N4H,1x J2H,1x V1H trays.

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Infinity Set A: Holds 40x Infantry, 15x Auxbots/ Remotes, 2x Large Units in a Pre-Filled Kaiser1 transport bag including 2x N4H,1x N3H,1x D2H,1x V5H trays.

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Infinity Set B: Holds 40x Infantry, 8x Medium models/ Support, 2x Large Models in a Pre-Filled Kaiser1 transport bag including 2x N4H,1x J2H,1x V1H trays.

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Infinity Set A: Holds 40x Infantry, 15x Auxbots/ Remotes, 2x Large Units in a Pre-Filled Backpack2 (1 case) including 2x N4H,1x N3H,1x D2H,1x V5H trays.

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Infinity Set B: Holds 40x Infantry, 8x Medium models/ Support, 2x Large Models in a Pre-Filled Backpack2 (1 case) including 2x N4H,1x J2H,1x V1H trays.

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Infinity Set A: Holds 40x Infantry, 15x Auxbots/ Remotes, 2x Large Units in a Pre-Filled Standard Aluminium case including 2x N4H,1x N3H,1x D2H,1x V5H trays.

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Infinity Set B: Holds 40x Infantry, 8x Medium models/ Support, 2x Large Models in a Pre-Filled Standard Aluminium case including 2x N4H,1x J2H,1x V1H trays.

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Infinity Set A: Holds 40x Infantry, 15x Auxbots/ Remotes, 2x Large Units in a Pre-Filled Standard Aluminium case with Double Lid including 2x N4H,1x N3H,1x D2H,1x V5H trays.

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Infinity Set B: Holds 40x Infantry, 8x Medium models/ Support, 2x Large Models in a Pre-Filled Standard Aluminium case with Double Lid including 2x N4H,1x J2H,1x V1H trays.

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Infinity Set A: Holds 40x Infantry, 15x Auxbots/ Remotes, 2x Large Units in a Pre-Filled Standard Aluminium case with Double Lid including 2x N4H,1x N3H,1x D2H,1x V5H trays.

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Infinity Set B: Holds 40x Infantry, 8x Medium models/ Support, 2x Large Models in a Pre-Filled Standard Aluminium case with Double Lid including 2x N4H,1x J2H,1x V1H trays.

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