KR Multicase about NOVA Open 20183rd Oct 2018
KR Multicase had a great time at this year's NOVA Open. It is always fantastic to see the show, and to meet our customers! NOVA Open is one of our favourite shows, and it is always one we have been happy to sponsor and support with tournament prizes, raffle prizes and of course the famous painted armies need bespoke cases too. The NOVA Open Charitable Foundation did magnificently in its endeavours this year! For more information about NOVA Open, please check here.
Here's a few words from Mike Brandt:
Hi, All ~
Two weeks ago, we were all together at the 2018 NOVA Open . . . and I miss everyone already. The final numbers aren't in, but it looks like the NOVA Open and NOVA Open Charitable Foundation may be donating in excess of $80,000 this year - and we haven't even gotten to the fall raffles yet! NOCF presents a transparent, powerful method by which the global community of tabletop miniatures enthusiasts can contribute to making our world a better place - a world that's been kind enough to enable each of us to paint and play games with toy soldiers. I am proud to be a member of this growing community.
Well worth checking out the NOVA Open website here for full results of all the winners from games to Capital Palette to Tabletop Olympics and, of course, the NOCF Summer Raffles. Sign up for their newsletter to keep up to date with all the information form this years show and the planning for 2019 too!
NOVA Open is one of the best Wargaming shows around, and we're already looking forward to the 2019 show, which promises to be even greater!
KR Multicase - putting figures first