Space Marine TrayGuide22nd Nov 2023
We have seen big changes to Space Marines over the years, with huge updates like Primaris and First Born and even recently Terminators joined the scale creep.
Every scale creep unfortunately requires a tray creep to make sure the newest models still fit in the correct trays, but also so the new model versions do not get confused with their old version tray recommendation. To that end we have done a full review and merged all the tray recommendations from our Space Marine and Primaris Space Marine TrayGuides into one.
We have also taken the step to better identify which model version our recommendation is for. When the model is the older smaller sized version we have added "First Born" in front of the name. This should help when keeping up with future new releases and the inevitable up scaled new releases of more characters.
You can check out the trayguide here:
KR Cases - putting figures first