KR Multicase is showcasing the NOCF's Night Lord's Zone Mortalis Entry!13th Aug 2019
The NOVA Open Charitable Foundation Raffle has some brilliant and fantastic prizes, and we're showcasing the Night Lords Zone Mortalis Army! Intended for the tight confines of Zone Mortalis, where close range fire and brutal melee meet in some of the most desperate fighting scenarios of Warhammer and the Horus Heresy!
The Night Lords are experts at dirty fighting, and this force is led by its foremost murderer, Captain Sevatar. You can find this army here. . Made up of:
Captain Sevatar on his decorative base
A Terrifying Night Lords Contemptor Dreadnought
10 Tartaros Terminators
And 10 Legionaries
We're sending out a Kaiser1 Transport bag with a KRM filled with:
1x SM25+SM25: This tray will hold Sevatar on his decorative base, and the Contemptor Dreadnought, with space for 2 more models.
1x SM48: This tray will hold the Ten Tartaros Terminators
1x SM58: This tray will hold 10 Legionaries, with space for 10 more models.
1x SM58: This tray will offer space for an additional 20 models.
Ironically enough, this savage band of murderers will be supporting Doctors Without Borders! The raffle tickets will go off sale on the 1st of September, when the winners will be notified on the 4th of September.
KR Multicase - putting figures first