The NOCF Raffle on the Road to Success12th Aug 2021
The NOCF have reported some fantastic results so far! Whilst they've only just passed the half way point of the Raffle's run time, they have hit three quarters of their $100,000 target already!
It is a testament to the generosity of the wargaming community to see them succeed so well. With many fantastic models and armies available, you all still stand a chance of winning! From daunting Chaos Space Marine Warbands, to some beautiful single miniatures, there's something for all collectors here.
And for those who love to learn a little more of what goes on behind the scenes, there are interviews with the masterful painters and modellers on the NOCF's website. Sit down and see if you can glean some painting techniques or conversion tricks for your own special projects in these video interviews!
Remember, many of these armies will come with their own KR Multicase transport option - from compact Aquilla bags for the skirmishers, to our heavy duty backpacks and transport bags for the full armies! And you can find more information here.
The NOCF hopes to continue serving both their wonderful charities and the wargaming community and with your help, we're certain you'll smash all their expectations.
KR Multicase - putting figures first