NOVA Open Will be Going Online!8th Jul 2020
With Covid-19 is putting many shows on hold or cancellation, we are sad to see that the NOVA Open show will not be hosting a physical show, but we are glad to hear that they will be taking the event online!
We're looking forward to seeing what the NOVA Open team will be putting on for us wargaming fans. And we are definitely looking forward to the annual NOCF - the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation! The NOCF is fantastically supporting Medicine Sans Frontieres or Doctor Without Borders, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and the Fisher House Military Charity.
We are supporting many of the armies that the NOCF will be offering on Raffle. There are some beautiful Ultramarine Armies, Blood Angels, Daughters of Khaine and much much more to win! And each of these will come with our fantastic trays, cases, backpacks and transport bags, so your raffle will win those as well!
We highly recommend checking both the NOVA Open website here and the NOCF Site here. . These sites will keep up to date on any new developments and announcements.
KR Multicase - putting figures first!