TraySelector - Model name search12th Mar 2024
As part of our ever expanding set of features for TraySelector we have some functionality to allow a model to be searched from directly inside TraySelector.
Unlike before, where searching for specific models to work out which trays to put them in was done outside of TraySelector, we have added this functionality directly inside of the tool.
Now next to the box where you can type in the Tray code, you can now type in any free text and it will display any trays that match your search within their description for what models they can store.
When you have no filter options chosen for the Manufacturer, System or Army this search will check all instances of your searched text against the generic contents of each tray, and the more specific descriptions we have given the trays for each Army. This will therefore bring back the largest set of results which could come from any game system we have trays for.
You can find our TraySelector here: and on Navara cases at here:
KR Cases - putting figures first