Check out our Amazon Listings23rd May 2022
If you are like us and have an Amazon prime account then one of the many perks of having is that you can get free postage on Prime products. As part of our listings on Amazon we have a whole collection of products that can be bought using Amazon Prime. So not only do you save on postage but you can even get the products dispatched quicker and outside of KRs opening hours.
We have a whole collection of trays that are suitable for Subbuteo as part of our listings on Amazon Prime. These trays are good for a range of different player set ups.
The SU6 tray holds 12x players, 1x Goalkeeper, 3x balls, 1x compartment for timer, polish, cloth and other accessories. 6 of these trays will fit inside the Standard size KRM case in total. Check out the listing here
The SU2 tray however holds 12x players, 1x Goalkeeper, 5x balls, 3x compartments for timer, polish, and other accessories. 8 of these trays will fit inside the Standard size KRM case in total. Check out the listing here
Another great tray for the Subbuteo is the SU1 which you can grab here. It can carry 2 teams, a total of 24 players, 2 Goalkeeper and 2 balls. 8 of these trays will fit inside the Standard size KRM case in total.
Of course we have lots of other trays that work for all sorts of game systems that you have models for.
Another couple of really useful trays are for the Crusade case that GW sells. The GWPluck2G is a replacement Tray for the Gamesworkshop CRUSADE figure case. 70mm deep pick&pluck tray suitable for a variety of models, monsters and vehicles. Replaces the standard Gamesworkshop zig zag trays. Find it here
This tray is also available in our softer blue foam. You can find it here on Amazon
If none of those catch your eye then check out our Amazon store page for all our other great products here
KR Cases - putting figures first