KR Multicase supports the Warmachine and Hordes WTC Welsh Team!14th Aug 2019
The Warmachine and Hordes World Team Championship is one of the largest Warmachine events in the world! An annual event that draws teams from all around the globe, the World Team Championship, this tournament is considered to be one of the premiere events for Warmachine and Hordes across the globe.
With tournament entry starting on March the 1st and closing at April 1st, this event draws teams from Australia, America, Russia, Sweden and Wales, last year having drawn in 64 teams! This year's event runs from September 27th to September 29th, held at the wonderful Floreal, in Blankenberge, Belgium, we know that it'll be a truly great event for all who attend! More information can be found here.
KR Multicase have put their support behind the Welsh Teams attending this event, and whilst we're rooting for them especially hard, we also hope everyone has a great time and performs to their best! You can find more information on the team here.
But Warmachine and Hordes isn't the only event happening here! There's a significant Guild Ball tournament, again drawing teams from all around the world to compete at this fantastic fantasy sports game!
And the Warmachine and Hordes World Team Championship is one of the biggest Warmachine events we support, alongside the Welsh Master's tournament, one of the largest UK based Warmachine Tournaments! We are proud and eager to support as many Warmachine event as we can!
If you have an event you'd like us to support, please contact us here and we are always happy to provide tournament support!
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