Helping Edward's Drukhari Army get on the Move!18th Sep 2020
With many of us completing armies over the summer, many of you have come forward looking for storage, and we were happy to help with them! Today we'll look at Edward's rather expansive Drukhari Army!
Edward has been collecting for some time, and we can see that by the sheer volume of models here - over 100 Infantry models and a huge number of vehicles. Edward has told us he's planning some expansions, so we've left some extra room for these too!
3 Void Ravens
4 Raiders
4 Venoms
20 Reaver Jetbikes
Draz Har
2 Archons
20 Incubii
30 Wyches
60 Kabalite Warriors
10 Kabalite Trueborn
10 Wracks
We break down all army lists into our KRM Card cases, so you can easily see how many cases you'll need!
KRM 1:
1x DE14: This tray will hold 1 Void Raven, 2 Venoms and 5 Reavers
1x N4H: This tray will hold 20 Kabalite Warriors
1x N4H: This tray will hold 20 Kabalite Warriors
KRM 2:
1x DE14: This tray will hold 1 Void Raven, 2 Venoms and 5 Reavers
1x N4H: This tray will hold 20 Kabalite Warriors
1x N4H: This tray will hold 20 Wyches
KRM 3:
1x DE14: This tray will hold 1 Void Raven and 5 Reavers with space for 5 Venoms
1x N4H: This tray will hold 10 Kabalite Trueborn and 10 Wracks
1x N4H: This tray will hold 2 Archons, with space for 18 more models.
KRM 4:
1x DE1: This tray will hold 4 Raiders
KRM 5:
1x EL33: This tray will hold Draz Har and 5 Reavers with space for 1 Jetbike
1x EL32: This tray will hold the 10 Incubii
1x EL32: This tray will hold the 10 Incubii
1x EL32: This tray will offer space for 10 more Incubii
1x DE9: This tray will hold 5 Scourges - the vanguard of Edward's next expansion!
Edward picked up his five cases, and will be hauling most of his army around in our Kaiser-4 transport bag!
You can find the Drukhari tray guide page for all our fantastic Drukarhi trays here.
KR Multicase - putting figures first