KR Multicase Looks at the Slaanesh Daemon Trays26th Jun 2020
Over the years, our design team have worked hard to make some fantastic and unique trays for your armies, and we'll be looking over our trays for the Daemons of Slaanesh here!
Starting off with the CD2 tray is perfect for those of you working with a range of the Daemon Chariots! Designed for two Seeker Chariots of Slaanesh, it works perfectly for Khorne's Thrones of Blood, Skull Cannons and even the Burning Chariots of Tzeentch! Two of these trays will fill our standard KRM Card case! We also have the CD3 which will hold a Seeker Chariot and a Hellflayer Chariot!
For the Exalted Seeker Chariot, one of the most dangerous units in the Slaanesh range, can be stored in our WC4, as well as 3 large models, such as the Heralds or Flamers, perfect for the heavy hitters of the Daemon armies.
And for the dedicated Slaanesh Daemon features, the Fane of Slaanesh can be stored in the CD4, which has space for a Contorted Epitome as well as an Infernal Rapturess, forming the core for a solid Slaanesh army.
And the CD5 is made for the graceful and terrifying Keeper of Secrets or Shalaxi Helbane, with space for a Fiend, Daemon Prince, Contorted Epitome.
You can find a full range of our Slaanesh Daemon trays here
KR Multicase - putting figures first