KR Multicase unveils new trays for the Stormcast Eternals!11th Nov 2019
Many of the greatest units of Age of Sigmar are towering behemoths or monsters, and they present a challenge getting them to the tabletop. Thankfully, our design team have risen to the challenge and have created some new trays for Sigmar's finest warriors!
First of all, we can unveil the STO6, a tray that can carry a mighty Lord-Celestant on Stardrake or Drakesworn Templar! This tray will have to go in one of our KRX Card cases, or our KRD card cases, but given the size of the Stormcast Eternals, that leaves plenty of room for you to accompany these titanic monsters with their warhost!
And we have the STO7 tray, perfect to store the range of Stormcast Eternal Endless Spells! With space for a unit of 5 Stormcast Eternals - either Liberators, Judicators or the spellcasters who will be calling upon these spells - this tray will be very useful for your spell heavy army!
And for those heavy cavalry, the Dracoth Guard, Vanguard Palladors and the Evocators on Dracolines can travel in our STO8 tray. Holding 6 models, this tray will be perfect to permit the broad range of Stormcast Cavalry, and fits well with many of the other trays we offer for the Stormcast Eternals.
You can find more information on our KR Multicase tray guide page here.
KR Multicase - putting figures first