KR Cases will be at Warfare 2023!23rd Oct 2023
KR Cases is looking forward to Warfare 2023 next month. The Show will be held on the 11th and 12th November 2023 and is back this time at the Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre after its previous moves in recent years.
Having outgrown their 2 previous venues, the show has found its new home at the Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre for the foreseeable future, the venue has a lot of space to expand into so expect more at the show than ever before, more information on Farnborough is available on the below link:
KR Cases will be on hand throughout to show you the latest carrying solutions and have you try-out your pre-ordered cases and trays with your figures.
We look forward to seeing you at Warfare!
For more information check out their website here
KR Cases - putting figures first