KR Multicase's Tray of the Day - The TS112th Dec 2019
We're going to be giving one of our newer trays a look over - the tray our design team has made for the master of the Thousand Sons Chaos legion, Magnus the Red! Our TS1 tray is a fantastic tray to form store this centrepiece model.
The TS1 can fill an entire KRM card case, and has compartment spaces for seven large models, like Exalted Sorcerers on Disks of Tzeentch, Scarab Occult Terminators, Tzaangor Enlightened, Skyfires, and the Arch-Sorcerer of Tzeentch himself, Ahriman, both on and off his disk, plus an additional slot for an Exalted Sorcerer!
This makes it a fantastic tray for storing the elite of the deathly Thousand Sons Legion, and can fit in one of our KRM card cases!
Check out our Thousand Sons Tray Guide page here.
KR Multicase - putting figures first