KR Multicase Prepares for the New Age of Sigmar24th Jun 2021
With the rapid approach of the new Age of Sigmar edition and starter set, we'll be preparing for this edition! For now, we'll be recommending our core trays and suitable custom for the new Dominion set!
Starting off, we'll be looking at the new Stormcast Eternals. Led by Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, a towering Stormcast hero who specialises in the hunting of monsters, this force is quite impressive! We recommend a pick&pluck V5H tray to store her - which will also leave room for Prosecutors or cavalry from larger Stormcast collections.
For the Lord-Imperatant and Knight-Vexillor, we'll recommend our D5H pick&pluck tray, to accommodate the trailing pennant that the Vexillor hefts. This tray will also be suitable for the rest of the Storm Cast army, from the Vindictors, Annihilators and Praetors! For those of you looking for a custom tray, we can recommend our SM69 tray for the models with more restrained poses, or our SM70 for those taller models.
And of course, the new Kruleboyz, a cunning brutal clan of Orruks can be stored with our cases and trays! The towering Killaboss on his Great Gnashtoof steed is the leader of this brutal horde, and we'll be recommending a V5H pick&pluck to store him.
Amongst the other leaders of the Kruleboyz are the Swampcalla Shamans and the on foot Killaboss will fit inside our D2H, which will also fit the Murknob with Belcha-banna, and the Man-skewer Boltboyz. For a custom solution, we recommend the SM69 - to accommodate those 40mm bases and the cruel looking crossbows the Boltboyz are hefting.
Depending on their poses, the Gutrippaz will find comfortable space in our SM68 tray, or our F3H trays. The SM68 will hold 10 models with wider and taller poses, and the F3H will hold 18 more restrained poses.
And for the sly underlings of the Kruleboyz, the Hobgrot Slittaz, we can offer some different trays depending on their poses! If they're in narrow, restrained poses, the N4H tray will suit 20 of them. For those in dynamic and tall poses, we will recommend the OBR2 for 12 of them. For a mix, the OBR3 will hold 6 dynamic poses and 10 restrained poses, allowing for a flexible storage option.
Our team will be looking into custom trays for these new models, as well as the many new character models Games Workshop have produced for the new era of Age of Sigmar, so keep an eye out for any news on that.
KR Multicase - putting figures first