TraySelector - How to Edit products12th Feb 2024
Quite often when using our webstore you will come across a product you might like but will want to see it in TraySelector and edit it into different cases of configurations. Once you have found a product you like you can simply click the 'Edit in TraySelector' button along the top.
You might also be browsing through our product categories and find, for example, a tray or tray set that you also want to edit in TraySelector. Conveniently the Edit button is also on these pages too where you can also filter through our products.
Lastly after you have added a product to your basket, be it from TraySelector or from any other method, you can always go to your basket and click the edit button here too.
You can find our TraySelector here: and on Navara cases at here: Stay tuned for more TraySelector tips in the coming days and weeks!
KR Cases - putting figures first