Warhammer 40K Imperium Magazine Issue 46&47 Review25th Jul 2022
I hope everyone had fun assembling their Wraiths from last time, but do not worry if you found its windy body a bit fiddly. Let us have a look at Warhammer 40K Imperium issues 46 and 47.
Included in Issue 46 are the Magazine itself, and a smorgasbord of Adeptus Sororitas models. On this single sprue you get 3 Battle Sisters, 2 Seraphim, 1 Sister Repentia and 1 Arco-flagellant. In case you were worried that some of these models come in such low counts that you cannot make a unit, there will be more coming along in a later issue.
Included in Issue 47 are the Magazine itself, and a couple of paints. Pink horror makes for a good flesh layer, whereas Wild Rider red will be useful in highlighting up those Adeptus Sororitas details.
To store the sisters we recommend the SM68 for the Sister Repentia and Arco flagellants tray as this tray holds up to 10 models including the Repentia Superior. We then recommend the SM61 for 25 of the Battle Sisters, but getting two of these trays helps to fill you case for the army and give you plenty of room to expand. Lastly grab a YA16 to hold up to 12 Seraphim or the Cannoness from before.
If you want to store your paints then look no further than grabbing yourself a KRH with the PNT-PP-B set which gives you space to store 54 pots in an easy to carry case. If you have been collecting at least 1 copy of each issue so far then you will already have 23 brand new paints all in need of somewhere to store or be taken on the road for one of those elusive miniature painting holiday weekends.
If you are also subscribed like us and plan to collect all the magazine issues then please check out our review of issue 1 with a list of trays perfect to hold the entire miniature collection here. You can also check out our Imperium TrayGuide here: https://www.krcases.com/trayguide/IMPMAG, for a better look at our trays for the collection. If you also want to store the terrain safely then stay tuned over the next few months as some big scenery is just around the corner and we will let you know how to store these too.
KR Cases - putting figures first