KR Multicase Custom Sets for the Dominion Models14th Sep 2021
The Dominion Set has heralded an update to the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules, and we are happy to reveal some new custom Trays and Tray Sets for your collection!
With our new STO9 tray Lady Yndrasta and her impressive wingspan now have a custom tray to sit comfortably inside! This tray will store Yndrasta, The Knight Vexilor with the Standard of Apotheosis, and 6 other Stormcast Eternals! Add to this tray the SM68, SM69 and STO5 and you have our first new custom set AOS-DMSC-B which holds all the Storcast eternals models from the Dominium box plus space for 9 additional Gryph-hound sized models and 11 Stormcast Eternals on 40mm bases all in a single KRM case.
For the Kruleboyz, the Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof can be stored in our brand new KBR1 tray, which will also hold 1x Murknob with Belcha-banna, 1x Killaboss, 1x Swampcalla Shaman, 5x Man-skewer Boltboyz/ Gutrippaz! Add to this our SM68, N4H, OBR3 and BB4 trays and now you have a complete custom set AOS-DMKB-B which will hold all the Kruleboyz from Dominion plus an additional 14 25mm based models (4 with upraised weapons/ banners), 3 more 40mm based HQs/ Wide posed infantry, and 15 Gutrippaz/ Bolt Boyz also all in just one KRM case.
If you want to carry both the Dominion armies, which utilise both these new trays then look no further than the AOS-DMAA-B which has extra space for 10 chunky Orruks or Stormcast Eternals and more.
You can find more information on the Stormcast Eternal tray recommendations s here, and the Kruleboyz can be found here, and if you need everything in Dominion you can find the TrayGuide page here. And when you have selected your cases and trays, you can use our TraySelector page here to order them
KR Cases - putting figures first