Warhammer 40K Imperium Magazine! Issue 1 Review31st Aug 2021
With Issue 1 now out for Warhammer 40K Imperium Magazine we have taken the time to compile a full list of the trays and cases needed for the entire collection. But first, lets look at the contents of issue 1.
Included in Issue 1 are the Magazine itself, 6 dice, a range ruler and 2 fantastic miniatures previously seen in the Indomitus box set. For the Space Marines we have a Primaris Lieutenant, chief among his battle brothers leading them into the fray. For the Necrons we have a Royal Warden, who's duty is to serve his Overlord and execute swift slaughter to any who oppose him. These miniatures are quite chunky but would fit nicely into a SM69 which has room for up to 10 models of the large infantry variety.
Whilst the range ruler and magazine are slender there is always added convenience to store your gaming accessories separately. To this end we recommend getting a KR Accessory case. The AAC-B makes a great addition to your gaming experience, with plenty of space for the range ruler or a tape measure, its great to store your dice from the magazine in so you don't lose any, but also perfect to roll your dice inside during your games. It comes in Silver as well AAC-S.
If, like us, you are subscribed and plan to collect all the magazine issues then the below list of trays is perfect to hold the entire miniature collection. If you also want to store the terrain and paints safely then stay tuned over the next few months and we will let you know how to store these too.
Space Marines:
KRM 1:
1x V5H: This tray will hold the Firestrike Servo-Turret, Roboute Guilliman, Invader ATV and Outriders
2x SM58: These trays together hold up to 40 models, perfect for the Infiltrators, Assault Intercessors and Infiltrator Sergeant
1x SM70: This tray holds up to 10 models, perfect for the Suppressors, Eliminators and Primaris Captain.
KRH 1:
1x SM48: This tray will holds up to 15 models, great for Marneus Calgar and his Victrix Honor Guard, Primaris Librarian, both Lieutenants and Aggressors.
1x SM58: This tray holds up to 20 troop size models, perfect room to expand the collection or mix and match models between armies
Sisters of Battle:
KRM 1:
1x V5H: This tray will hold the Penitent Engine with room to spare for a Rhino or other vehicle
1x SM68: Holds up to 10 models, perfect for the Repentia Superior, Sisters Repentia and Arco Flagelants
1x YA16: Holds up to 12 models perfect for the Seraphim and Cannoness and gives space for a growing Adepta Sororitas force.
2x SM61: These trays together hold up to 50 troop sized models, perfect for the Battle Sisters
Adeptus Mechanicus:
KRH 1:
1x V2H: This tray will hold the 3 Kataphron Destroyers/Kataphron Breachers, Tech-Priest Dominus, Tech-Priest Enginseer and have room for some other chunky troop models
2x N4H: These trays together hold up to 40 troop size models, perfect for the Skitarii Rangers/Vanguard
Lastly (and my personal favourites)
KRM 1:
1x NE22: Skorpekh Lord, Canoptek Reanimator, 3 x Skorpekh Destroyers, Royal Warden, Necron Overlord, Plasmancer
1x BU2: This tray holds up to 15 models, perfect for the Scarab Swarms
1x NE15P16: This tray will hold the Triarch Stalker, Annihilation Barge / Catacomb Command Barge and 1x Canoptek Wraith
KRM 2:
4x F3H: These trays together hold up to 72 troop models, perfect for the Necron Warriors, Cryptothralls, Immortals/Deathmarks, Lynchguard/ Triarch Praetorians, Flayed Ones and Plasmacytes, with room to spare.
1x V5H: This holds the other 2x Canoptek Wraiths, Cryptek/Technomancer, Lokhust Heavy Destroyer, Necron Destroyer, Overlord and Chronomancer
KRQ 1:
1x NE11P13: This tray will hold 3 Tomb Blades and a Canoptek Spyder
What's great is the KR system is completely modular so you can easily swap your trays between the different sized cases recommended above, so if you are going for a quick Kill Team game grab the KRQ or if you are having a crusade game then just pack a KRH. If however you are having a 40K game of several thousand points then your KRMs are great for transporting the larger forces.
KR Multicase - putting figures first