KR Multicase Supports the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation!14th Jul 2020
Every year, the NOVA Open show hosts the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation, and we will be supporting them this year as well! Their charity armies will be available to carry in our trays and cases, and today, we'll be looking over one of these armies: Crossing the Primaris Rubicon!
You can find this fantastic Blood Angel army here. as well as finding the proper credits for the artists and painters for it! The Crossing the Primaris Rubicon consists of the following models:
1x Mephiston
10x Primaris Infiltrators
3x Primaris Eliminators
1x Dante
1x Librarian in Phobos Armor
5x Sanguinary Guard
10x Sniper Scouts
10x Death Company
Primaris Repulsor
20x Primaris Intercessor
10x Tactical Marines
As usual with all these army lists, we will break them down into our standard sized KRM Card cases, as follows:
1x SM58: This tray will hold 20 Intercessors
1x SM58: This tray will hold 10 Tactical Marines, 10 Scout Snipers
1x SM58: This tray will hold 5 Death Company, 10 Infiltrators and the remaining the Sanguinary Guard
1x SM65: This tray will hold the Repulsor with space for an additional Repulsor
KRM 2:
1x SM69: This tray will hold Dante, Mephiston, 3 Eliminators, 1 Librarian, Lemartes and 3 Sanguinary Guard (Ones with standards/ wide poses)
1x SM5+SM6: This tray will hold 1 Rhino, with space for an additional Rhino and Predator or Rhino
1x SM58: This tray will hold 5 Death Company with space for 15 more models.
1x SM69: This tray will hold 10 models on 40mm bases
This fantastic array of models, signifying the transition from traditional Space Marines to the new Primaris Marines, is a fantastic selection of some beautifully painted miniatures. And we are offering it with our Kaiser2 transport bag!
We look forward to showcasing more of the NOCF, for these fantastic charities! Keep your eyes on the NOCF site to see more, and we'll be publicising more armies too!
KR Multicase - putting figures first