KR Multicase Supports Dark Millennium 6, Hosted by the Caledonian Deathwatch Network. 21st Feb 2019
The Caledonian Deathwatch Network is hosting a fantastic Warhammer 40000 tournament, and here at KR Multicase, we're sending our support to these fantastic folks at this event! Hosted at Common Ground Games at Stirling, Scotland, this 2000 point Warhammer 40000 tournament promises to be an entertaining event
This will be the 6th event under the Dark Millennium name, and will pit many players against each other over two days. At 2000 points and with Forge World Models permitted, there will certainly be some fantastic and challenging armies to see on the board! More information can be found for this event here.
And of course, the KR Multicase Team have dispatched a selection of our ever popular cases and colour trays out to this event, so there's even more than just pride and glory to compete for!
If you have an event you'd like us to support, please contact us here and we are always happy to provide tournament support!
KR Multicase - putting figures first