Daffcon28th Apr 2016
Daffcon, a convention held to celebrate and promote some of the newer and lesser known gaming systems out there took place recently at Firestorm Games' excellent South West Gaming Centre, and KR Multicase supported some of the events by sending over our cases as prize support for the lucky winners of some of the events. We're delighted to say that the event was a resounding success, and have included some pictures of the event here for you to see. Among the games present were the Batman Miniatures Game, Guild Ball, Epic Armageddon, Relic Knghts, Infinity, Malifaux, MERCS, Bushido, Saga, Relics, and Frostgrave, as well as a few others. We're proud that we're able to help support so many of these smaller games systems, that all promote the vast richness of the Wargaming scene and community. And don't take our word for it that these games are superb, stop by your friendly local gaming store and try them out for yourself!You can details of Firestorm Games here. They have a great website, and two stores which are located in Cardiff, and Newport - both are well worth a visit with friendly, welcoming staff and fantastic facilities. Firestorm Games www.krmulticase.com - putting figures first