50% DISCOUNT! Terminator Aquilla4 case plus 12 FREE figures!
Warriors of Chaos Card case (quarter size), ideal for small Warriors of Chaos armies
The Relthoza Card case (half size), ideal for medium The Relthoza factions
Windwalker Card case (standard size), ideal for a full Windwalker collection
World War 2 Card case (one and a half size), ideal for an expanded World War 2 faction
Warlord of Galahir Card case (double depth), ideal for large Warlord of Galahir factions
The Union KaiserHalf transport bag, ideal for medium full The Union teams
World War 2 Kaiser1 transport bag, ideal for a full World War 2 faction
Yellow Sign Kaiser2 transport bag, ideal for large Yellow Sign collections
Yellow Sign Kaiser3 transport bag, ideal for multiple Yellow Sign collections
Wood Elf teams Kaiser4 transport bag, ideal for multiple Wood Elf teams
Wood Elf teams Aquilla1 case (eighth size), ideal for small Wood Elf teams
Yellow Sign Aquilla2 case (half size), ideal for small Yellow Sign collections
World War 2 Aquilla3 case (third size), ideal for small World War 2 factions
World War 2 Aquilla4 case (half size), ideal for medium World War 2 factions
Shan-Meeg Starhawks - Asterian team Aquilla5 case (quarter size), ideal for small Asterian teams
Warlord of Galahir Aquilla6 case (half size), ideal for medium Warlord of Galahir factions
Wood Elves Backpack2 (1 case), ideal for a full Wood Elves army
X-Wing (all factions) Backpack2 (2 cases), ideal for large Rebel, Imperial or Scum & Villainy factions
Quarter Aluminium case with Double Lid
Quarter Aluminium case with Double Lid
League of Italian Nations Company Standard Aluminium case, ideal for a full League of Italian Nations Company army
X-Wing (all factions) Standard Aluminium case, ideal for a full Rebel, Imperial or Scum & Villainy faction
Wood Elf teams Standard Aluminium case, ideal for a full Wood Elf team
Enforcer Triple Aluminium case, ideal for multiple Enforcer factions
Caverns of Roxor Triple Aluminium case, ideal for multiple Caverns of Roxor warbands