KR Multicase Showcases the Arkhan's Defiled Army for the NOCF25th Jul 2019
The NOVA Open Charitable foundation has some beautifully painted armies on display this year! Amongst some of the best is an undead army, Arkhan's Defiled! Consisting of a great variety of the skeletal undead, this army cherishes quantity over quality - though its paint quality is still fantastic!
In this army, you can find:
1x Arkhan the Black
1x Necromancer
2x Wight Kings
2x Morghast Harbringers
120x Skeleton Warriors with full commands
20x Grave Guard
15x Black Knights
You can find more information here.
We are offering a Kaiser2 to transport this army with the following trays. We list them by KRM, so you can easily see what trays are needed for what miniature!
KRM 1:
1x VC3: This tray will hold 2 Morghasts and Arkhan the Black
3x WC1: These three trays will hold 15 Black knights
KRM 2:
6x N4H: These trays will hold 120 Skeletons
1x N4H: This tray will hold 20 Grave Guard
1x N4H: This tray will hold 2 Wight Kings and 1 Necromancer with space for 17 more models.
This entry costs $8 per ticket, and supports the Doctors Without Borders charity.
KR Multicase - putting figures first