Eldar Custom Trays16th Oct 2015
Today we're launching the next trays in our range of Eldar custom trays, for the enigmatic Harlequins, and the Warlock jetbike. We know that several of you have been eagerly awaiting these trays, and we're pleased to say that the wait is over! The new trays will fit all of the new jetbikes, with a revised Eldar jetbike slot to fit the new shape a little more snugly. The tray breakdown is as below - they're all quarter trays, giving you the most elements of customisation that you could ever ask for!The EL26 is a 51mm depth tray for the Warlock jetbike, and will hold three of the model, for those of you building your Seer Councils. The EL27 is also 51mm deep, for a single Warlock jetbike, and three standard jetbikes. The EL28 and the EL29 will each hold three Harlequin Skyweavers - the EL28 is a 51mm depth tray to pair with other half depth trays, and the EL29 is 70mm depth to pair with the EL30 VoidWeaver/STarWeaver tray. The EL30, carries the new VoidWeaver / StarWeaver Jetbike. This tray is also available as a DE13, which is at 80mm depth for Dark Eldar players and matches with the Dark Eldar Jet bike trays. And remember that the KR system is entirely modular, meaning that you can simply these trays with your existing collection as and when needed!The new trays are live on our website now, and available to order.