Coming Soon: The Witchin' Hour Kickstarter!28th Jan 2020
New skirmish games are always fantastic to see, as these games provide some true flexibility and customisation for their players. And we're having a look at a new one about to hit Kickstarter!
Witchin' Hour is a fantastic new wargame which puts players in control of either Witchseekers and their Militia, or the Witches and their servants! With small, highly customisable warbands, and a system that permits a flexible tactical choices to get one over on your opponent, Witchin' Hour is already making waves as a fantastic small scale game. More information can be found on their facebook page, with plans for preview events and Kickstarter pre-reveals, here.
We'll be looking at Witchin' Hour in more detail over the course of the month, and you'll be happy to know that it's Kickstarter will be going live on the 1st of February! So if you and your friends are looking for a wargame to scratch that itch for subterfuge and subtlety in a small scale, give them a look over!
KR Multicase - putting figures first