Norwich Games Con this weekend19th Aug 2024
This weekend sees the return of the Norwich Games Convention. This event is a 1 day event held on Saturday 24th August at the Norwich University of the Arts, Duke Street, Norwich.
This is what they have to say about the event.
"Our main area will hold the vendors hall, where you will find board game demos and a wide variety of local artists and game designers. There will also be an area with tables for you to play your new board games, which will be open until 12pm! Let's not forget the a bring and buy table, AND we will be joined by the fabulous Orctioneer! We also have RPG's being run by top notch Games Masters throughout the day, held in the historic Crypt! There will be food and drink available throughout the day, and the bar is open, so you can grab a game, some food and head out into the beautiful courtyard to relax!"
More information can be found online at
KR Cases - putting figures first