KR Multicase supports the Animosity Tournament, Ablaze Secundus!26th Jul 2019
We support a great many tournaments, and the Animosity Campaign Group are receiving our Support! Hosted at the Outpost in Sheffield, on the 28th of July, the Ablaze Secundus tournament! We're supporting their Conversion competition, and tournament! Set during the Vigilus Campaign, this tournament promises a great time for fans of Warhammer 40,000's tumultuous future warfare!
For £12, from 9 AM on the 28th, you can compete to determine the fate of Vigilus at the Outpost! More information can be found here. And we've sent out our cases and trays to support the tournament, so the forces of Xenos, Chaos and the Imperium have even more to compete for!
If you have an event you'd like us to support, please contact us here and we are always happy to provide tournament support!
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