KR Multicase supports Gotham to Samaria's First 2020 Skirmish!18th Feb 2020
KR Multicase has been happy to support Gotham to Samaria's previous events in 2019, and their first 2020 Skirmish is one we're proud to work to continue our run with them!
Hosted at Element Games on the 21st to the 23rd of February, Gotham To Samaria will be showcasing many skirmish games with appropriate representatives! Drowned Earth, Bushido, Conquest: Last Argument of Kings and so many other games will have event representatives to show these fantastic games to players! And with each ticket, attendees will all receive goody bags for the 3 days of gaming. And more information can be found here.
And we've been happy to support them with cases and trays for the best competitors in their various events! We wish them all the best and hope that Gotham to Samaria and all their future efforts!
If you have an event you'd like us to support, please contact us here and we are always happy to provide tournament support!
KR Multicase - putting figures first