KR Multicase Showcases their Range of Eldar Trays 11th Jun 2020
One of our proudest and oldest range of trays is our selection of Eldar Trays! The ancient warrior asectics often have fine, delicate miniatures and we are more than happy to provide some very secure transport options for them! We'll be looking at a selection of trays for them today!
We'll be starting by looking at one of our fantastic transpor trays, the EL11! This tray will hold 2 Fire Prisms, Wave Serpents or Falcons, as well as space for three of the Eldar's sleek Jetbikes. At 2/3rds depth, a standard KRM can hold a pair of N3H trays to protect your Eldar infantry like rangers, Guardians and Dire Avengers, or a BU2 for 15 Dark Reapers above the EL11.
For those of you looking to store the fantastic Eldar Crimson Hunters or Hemlock Wraithfighter, we have the EL23. It also secures the flight stand for the aircraft. In a standard case, you can fit an N4H above it for 20 infantry, and have space to spare for other trays!
The Eldar have a titanic walker of their own, the Wraithknight, and we can offer fantastic storage for it. The EL25 tray takes up an entire KRM card case, but stores a fully assembled Wraithknight and 4 Wraithlords or Warwalkers, perfect for a powerful advance.
And the Eldar are famed for their jetbikes and the EL27+EL28 can store 3 Windrunners, a Warlorck or Autarch on Skyrunner, and the support of 3 Harlequin Skyweavers.
To find the best selection of trays for the Eldar and Craftworld forces, check out our KR Multicase trayguide page here
KR Multicase - putting figures first