Tips & Tricks for the best use of your KR Figure Case and Trays
filling a case
Combine full and half trays and varying half width trays for maximum capacity in a case. You can stack one side with 1/3 depth trays and next to it have 1/4 depth trays. Use the KR Figure Cases Tray Printouts page for size comparisons to your figures. Bear in mind that as the KR foam is soft you can squeeze larger figures into smaller compartments and the foam deforms around the figure keeping it well protected – and they can even stick out above a tray by 5 or 6mm and they will not be damaged as the base of the tray above will simply move around the figure. A good example of this are Space Marine Terminators form GW, these figures are on 40mm bases, but fit perfectly well in our F3H tray where the compartments are 32mm x 32mm x 52mm – try one and see! Remember KR figures cases have soft foam to protect your figures and hard cases for the soft foam.
troop trays
The 3 formats of troop trays are suitable for all figure sizes from 10 - 28mm. The F format is the largest and suits 28mm heroic figures, orcs, dynamically posed, and other large figures. The N format is perfect for the majority of figures, and as it is in trays of 40 compartments suits squads of 10 perfectly! The M format carries 50 figures, ideal for any scale including 28mm. For example it carries 50 GW Assault Marines or similar sized figures with ease.
pick&pluck trays
The 3 formats of pick&pluck are segmented to guide you for all figure, vehicle and monster sizes. Choose the best width for your models from the 30mm (V), 40mm (D) and 50mm (J) formats. Each can have sections removed to create compartments to suit your needs – always take out less than you imagine, figures and vehicles sit well in KR trays and can have some support as the foam is soft and will not damage the model or rub the paint off.
610 range
The 610 range is designed for 2mm, 6mm and 10mm scale gaming as well as 1/300th models too.
railway range
The railway range is another in the unique segmented KR tray designs and can carry combinations of locos, carriages and wagons with ease - just remove sections to suit the length of model !