Product Highlight: HALO2nd Mar 2016
We're happy to hear from our friends at Spartan Games that their HALO: Fleet Battles game system is really taking off amongst gamers, and gaining popularity. As huge fans of the HALO universe, we couldn't be happier to see more of this exiting system, with loads of tactical depth and dynamic play. We have two custom tray ranges for HALO: Fleet Battles - HC for the Covenant forces, and HU for the UNSC players. These trays have all been designed with players in mind, making them easy ways to transport your models, by keeping all of the models and accessories from the Fall of Reach, Core Battlegroup, Large Battlegroup, and Carrier sets all in one place. If you're a HALO player, then they're the perfect accompaniment for your ships, and ideal for keeping the fleet safe and sound whilst both travelling and storing them. Find out more here. - putting figures first