KR Multicase marches with the Battle Titans!9th Oct 2018
Adeptus Titanicus has already proved a popular system, and we have seen some stunning armies on the internet by its fans. The Reaver Titan has been added to Games Workshop's arsenal of Battle Titans, and this beautifully detailed model often forms the backbone of a Titan Legion's advance. And we have the trays for your Legion!
The VC4 is fantastic for carrying a host of Reavers. It can hold four of these magnificent Battle Titans. We also have the VC3, a tray that will definitely appeal to Adeptus Titanicus players, as it can carry a Warlord Titan and 2 Reavers, another solid core to a Legion force.
Of course, if you're a player who wants to field more Warlord Titans to crush your enemies, the VC2 can carry a pair of these enormous war engines. And for those of you more inclined for the massed charges of the Questoris Knights, the SM47 can carry 15 individual knights, enough to give any Titan battle line some real grief.
Our KR Multicase TrayGuides page can help you find the right trays for your army. Find the Loyalist Titan Legion page here and the Traitor Titan Legion page here.
KR Multicase - putting figures first