KR Multicase's Supported Tournament List16th Jan 2019
KR Multicase is proud to support tournaments all over the world. Whether it's a massive multi-competitor events for Age of Sigmar and Warmachine or smaller events for select players for Blood Bowl or War of Kings, we've sent our prizes to events of all scales! You can find a list of tournaments we're supporting on our webpage here. So far, in 2019, we will be supporting the following events:
Royal Rumble 2019, on the 26th of January, Italy
Atlanta MESBG. , on the 26th of January, USA
Call to Glory 2019, on the 26th to a 27th, January, Canberra, Australia
Call to Glory 2019 - Age of Sigmar, 26th to the 27th, January, Lyneham, Australia
The Guns over The River Blyth 27th of January, Blythe, UK
AoS Ulster Warlords: The Underworld Wars, 2nd to the 3rd of February, Ireland
The Old Dominion Disagreement, 2nd February, Virginia, USA
Lost Hemisphere Fundraiser at CaptainCon,8th to the 10th of February, Warwick, USA
Echoes of War, 16th to the 17th of February, South Wales
Fulginium Bowl 2019, 2nd to the 3rd of March, Umbria, Italy
Orclahoma Bowl, 16th to the 17th of March, Oklahoma, USA,
Spiky Cup, 16th to the 17th of March, Oklahoma, USA
Mantic Franticon 2019, 23rd March, London, UK
Bugeater GT, 31st May to the 2nd of June, Nebraska, USA
Rose City Raid 2019, 22nd to the 23rd of June, Oregon, USA
These fantastic tournaments will pit many players against each other, and our fantastic cases and trays are being available as prizes for the victorious! If you have an event you'd like us to support, please contact us here and we are always happy to provide tournament support!
KR Multicase - putting figures first