KR Multicase global Shop Directory updated!15th Feb 2017
You can find information and contacts for all the local wargaming shops in your area on the constantly updated KR Multicase Clubs Directory!
Whether you're in Denmark, Gibraltar, Wales, Germany or Australia, we have your local shop listed in our comprehensive Shop Directory. If you are looking to buy new figures, armies, or other vital wargaming products (they may even stock KR Multicase trays and cases if you're lucky! And, if not, ask them - 'why not?'), then you can track down your latest store on line via the new super speedy KR Multicase website.
With the regular influx of news we receive about shops around the world, we keep the Directory up-to-date so you are in the know at the tap of a key. The Directory is designed to be uber easy to use and even features an interactive map - just click on the flag nearest to where you live and find out your local store.
Getting in touch with the stores could not be easier as we've added directions, addresses, email contacts and more. You can search quickly by adding your postcode - and even see how far the store is from your location. There's no need to register - you can just click through whenever you want to find out which wargaming shop is closest to you!
If you have an active wargaming store, then why not let the rest of the world know where you are via the KR Store Directory? Just send us an email with the details and we will add it - it's free to be included.
KR Multicase - putting figures first.