
Figure Cases and Trays for Tabletop Gaming

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- Wings of Glory -

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Magnetic Tray 35mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Tray 51mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 51mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Tray 70mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 70mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Tray 110mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base large vehicles and monsters up to 110mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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6x MKIII Squid

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6x MKI Locust/ MKII Scarab/ MKIV Cuttlefish

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Compartments for 6 sets of Ship boards and Ship cards plus Game boards, tokens and accessories.

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Compartments for 12 sets of Ship boards and Ship cards plus tokens.

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Compartments for 24 sets of Ship boards and Ship cards plus tokens.

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3x Three Decker/First Rate (including Victory or Constitution models), plus 2x Two Decker/Ship of the Line (Second Rate), plus 1 Sloop/Fifth Rate (all off bases).

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3x Two Decker/Ship of the Line (Second Rate), 3x Frigate (Fourth Rate), plus 1 Sloop (Fifth Rate) (all off bases).

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6x Frigate (Fourth Rate), plus 3x Sloop (Fifth Rate) (all off bases).

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Magnetic Trayset each 35mm deep
Full width trays each 380mm x 255mm x 35mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Trayset each 51mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm x 51mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 51mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Trayset 70mm and 35mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm. The deep tray is ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 70mm tall and the shallower tray is ideal for magetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Trayset 110mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm. This deep tray is ideal for magnetised base large vehicles and monsters up to 110mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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6x MKI Locust/ MKII Scarab/ MKIII Squid/ MKIV Cuttlefish

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World War 1 Card case (quarter size), ideal for small World War 1 factions

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Sails of Glory Card case (half size), ideal for medium Sails of Glory factions

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Sails of Glory Card case (standard size), ideal for a full Sails of Glory faction

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Sails of Glory Card case (one and a half size), ideal for an expanded Sails of Glory faction

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World War 2 Card case (double depth), ideal for large World War 2 factions

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WoW Cockpit game board, smoke markers, range rulers, 6 decks, compartment for altitude pegs, plus 4 compartments for tokens

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2 single seaters, 2 two seaters plus 4 decks & altitude pegs

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4x WW2 single or 2 seaters, 4 decks plus altitude pegs

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2 WoG balloons, 2 decks, tokens, altitude pegs

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1 WoG balloon, 6 decks, 1 single seater, tokens, altitude pegs

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2 WoG balloons, 2 decks, tokens, altitude pegs

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Two Skytrex Drachen balloons plus 2 winch trucks and 2 anti aircraft trucks

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DoW Cockpit game board, balloon cards, balloon bases, smoke markers, range rulers, 3 decks, plus compartment for tokens

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8 single seaters

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2 Gotha bombers plus 2 single seaters, 1 deck and 2 compartments for tokens

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2 Gotha bombers plus 2 single seaters, 1 deck and 2 compartments for tokens

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Handley Page bomber plus card decks (including new large size cards) and altitude pegs

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20 compartments for counters and accessories

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20 compartments for counters and accessories

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2 Caprioni or Gotha bombers, their stands and altitude pegs, card decks, plus space for the large bomber cards too.

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2 Caprioni or Gotha bombers, their stands and altitude pegs, card decks, plus space for the large bomber cards too.

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2x Heinkel HE 111 H-5 / North American B-25C Mitchell plus 2 decks, tokens  & altitude pegs

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4x WW2 single seat fighters, plus large manuoevre cards, standard cards, stands and pegs (eg Spitfire / Mustang)

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3x Bristol Beaufighter Mk.If/ Messerschmitt Ef.110c-7 Bf.110c plus two seater fighters and cards, stands and pegs

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Avro Lancaster B MKIII or B-17F Memphis Belle plus cards, stands and pegs, plus a single seater fighter.

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2x Avro Lancaster B MKIII / B-17F Memphis Belle plus pegs and token space. (use tray Wings26 for cards, stands and pegs).

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Zeppelin Staaken R.VI plus altitude pegs and cards, Caprioni or Gotha bomber plus altitude pegs and cards, 2 single seaters, 2 two seaters plus 4 decks & altitude pegs

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Holds 9x Game Decks or 3x Game Decks and 3x Large Decks

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6x MKI Locust/ MKII Scarab/ MKIII Squid

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World War 1 KaiserHalf transport bag, ideal for medium World War 1 factions

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World War 2 Kaiser1 transport bag, ideal for a full World War 2 faction

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World War 2 Kaiser2 transport bag, ideal for large World War 2 factions

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Sails of Glory Kaiser3 transport bag, ideal for multiple Sails of Glory factions

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Sails of Glory Kaiser4 transport bag, ideal for multiple Sails of Glory factions

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World War 2 Aquilla1 case (eighth size), ideal for small World War 2 factions

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Sails of Glory Aquilla2 case (half size), ideal for small Sails of Glory factions

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World War 2 Aquilla3 case (third size), ideal for small World War 2 factions

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World War 2 Aquilla4 case (half size), ideal for medium World War 2 factions

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Sails of Glory Aquilla5 case (quarter size), ideal for small Sails of Glory factions

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World War 1 Aquilla6 case (half size), ideal for medium World War 1 factions

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World War 1 Backpack2 (1 case), ideal for a full World War 1 faction

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World War 1 Backpack2 (2 cases), ideal for large World War 1 factions

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World War 2 Standard Aluminium case, ideal for a full World War 2 faction

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World War 2 Standard Aluminium case, ideal for a full World War 2 faction

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Sails of Glory Standard Aluminium case, ideal for a full Sails of Glory faction

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Sails of Glory Triple Aluminium case, ideal for multiple Sails of Glory factions

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Sails of Glory Triple Aluminium case, ideal for multiple Sails of Glory factions

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Holds 6x MKI Locust/ MKII Scarab/ MKIII Squid/ MKIV Cuttlefish, 20 Counters, 8 Single Seaters, 8 Double Seaters, Altitude pegs and 16 Decks

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All game basics plus 18 single seaters and 6 two seaters.

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All game basics plus 12 single seaters and 12 two seaters.

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8 single seaters plus 8 two seaters and decks

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12 single seaters plus 4 two seaters and decks

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16 single seaters and decks

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2 Caprioni/ Gotha bombers, plus 18 single seaters and 6 two seaters.

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2 Caprioni/ Gotha bombers, plus 12 single seaters and 12 two seaters.

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Holds 6x MKI Locust/ MKII Scarab/ MKIII Squid/ MKIV Cuttlefish, 20 Counters, 8 Single Seaters, 8 Double Seaters, Altitude pegs and 16 Decks in a Pre-Filled Card case (standard size) including 1x SM7+SM7,1x Wings20,4x Wings02 trays.

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All game basics plus 18 single seaters and 6 two seaters in a Pre-Filled Card case (standard size) including 1x Wings01,3x Wings02,3x Wings03 trays.

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All game basics plus 12 single seaters and 12 two seaters in a Pre-Filled Card case (standard size) including 1x Wings01,6x Wings02 trays.

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