KR Multicase prepare for the Bad Moon with Gloomspite Gitz!19th Feb 2019
Games Workshop's new Age of Sigmar army has risen up like a Lunatic Moon, and KR Multicase has the means to help you get your Gloomspite Gitz army to the battlefield, ready to unleash a horde of screaming Goblins and their allies upon the Mortal Realms! To start off, the Gloomspite Gitz boast obscene numbers of infantry, and for how squishy your average Git is, you'll need a lot of them! The M4H tray will hold 25 Stabbas, Shootas and Squigherds or the Grot Warbosses that lead them! Since you can fit 8 M4H trays into our standard case, you can fit 200 of those in a KRM case! For the larger, meaner goblins such as the Sneaky Shufflers, Loonboss and Gobbapalooza, we recommend the F3H tray, to hold 18 of these models! With 6 of these in a KRM, you can carry 108 more threatening Gitz!
Of course, in Warhammer, no Greenskin army would be complete with their wildly insane support units! From Fanatics to Squighoppers, Troggoths and Troggbosses, we can provide trays for all of them.
For those looking to transport their Squighoppers, Boingrot Bounderz, Spider Riders, Fanatics and Skragrott the Loonking, we recommend the pick&pluck V2H V2H, which will hold 12 of these models. For those looking for the Custom trays for these, we recommend the SM4+SM4, which can hold 12 in safety and comfort!
And the big beasties of the Gloomspite Gitz, such as the Mangler Squigs and Troggbosses, aren't without their trays either. The VC2, can hold 2 Mangler Squigs or Loonbosses on Mangler Squigs, whilst the VC3, can hold one Mangler Squig and 2 Dankhollow Troggbosses. For the Troggbosses' smaller followers, the Dankhollow Troggoths, we can recommend the SM25+SM25, which can hold 4, and the Rockgut Troggoths can best fit inside our WM11 WM11.
Check out the full range of trays here at our KR Multicase TrayGuide Page here.
KR Multicase - putting figures first