KR Multicase sponsors Winter WarBB tournament!16th Dec 2016
Taking place in Austin, Texas on February 4, 2017 at 10am, Winter WarBB is a dramatic new entry onto the Blood Bowl scene. An action-packed tournament, organised by Two Dice Uphill (of Two Dice Uphill Podcast fame!), Winter WarBB will attract the most dangerous of opponents. It will be held in Austin, Texas in the uber-geeky, comic books and tabletop gaming specialist store Dragon's Lair that many of you will already be familiar with.
Momentum is already building for this massive new Tournament, so keep checking back in for the latest news of bouts, prizes and more.
The organisers got in touch with KR about their exciting plans and we were very happy to be part of it and provide prize support for the coaches entering the tournament. See the pic for details as the winners will receive KR cases and trays for their teams! Up for Grabs are an Aquilla1, an Aquilla2, and an Aquilla4 !
Information about all the wargaming events coming up can be found on the worldwide KR Show and Tournament Directories. Check out the KR Show finder page, and if you want to add your local show or tournament just drop us an email with all the details and we will put it on there.
KR Multicase - putting figures first