KR Multicase Trays for the Armiger Helverin22nd Jun 2018
Games Workshop has been expanding the range of their Imperial Knight models, with additional support in the form of the Armiger Helverins. These nimble warmachines serve to flank and cover the weaknesses of the larger Knights.
In our core range, the pick&pluck J1H Tray will hold two of these support knights.
In our custom tray selection, we recommend the SM17+SM17 Tray , as well as have space for additional knight weapons in separate compartments.
Two of these trays will fit in our standard size KRM case, or you can have it filled with a tray for the Knights, with an IG23 Tray for a Knight with no carapace weapon and fixed arms, or an IG24 Tray if you have built your Knight with a Carapace Weapon and magnetised limb weapons.
To find our comprehensive range of KR Multicase trays for the Imperial Knights, check our KR TrayGuide page on our website, found here
KR Multicase - putting figures first