Pre-selected Sets (Custom)
Magnetic Trayset each 35mm deep
Full width trays each 380mm x 255mm x 35mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm holds:
Magnetic Trayset each 35mm deep
Full width trays each 380mm x 255mm x 35mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
Magnetic Trayset each 51mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm x 51mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 55mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm holds:
Magnetic Trayset each 51mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm x 51mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 51mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
Magnetic Trayset 70mm and 35mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm. The deep tray is ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 70mm tall and the shallower tray is ideal for magetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm holds:
Magnetic Trayset 70mm and 35mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm. The deep tray is ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 70mm tall and the shallower tray is ideal for magetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
Magnetic Trayset 110mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm. This deep tray is ideal for magnetised base large vehicles and monsters up to 110mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm holds:
Magnetic Trayset 110mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm. This deep tray is ideal for magnetised base large vehicles and monsters up to 110mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
Half Width Trays (Custom)
23mm deep tray compartments
1/4 depth tray - 23mm deep
Holds: 12x Soulblight Gravelords Deathrattle Skeletons or Deadwalker Zombies or Grave Guard (With Standards/ Banner)
1/4 depth tray - 23mm deep
Holds: 6x Soulblight Gravelords Deathrattle Skeletons or Deadwalker Zombies or Grave Guard (With Standards/ Banner) and 10x Deathrattle Skeletons/ Deadwalker Zombies/ Wight Kings or Grave Guard
32mm deep tray compartments
1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep
Holds: 5x Soulblight Gravelords Black Knights/ Kritza, the Rat Prince/ Lady Annika, The Thirsting Blade
51mm deep tray compartments
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 12x Soulblight Gravelords Direwolves/ Vyrkos Blood-born
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 10x Soulblight Gravelords Vampire Lords/ Fellbats/ Radukar the Wolf/ Kosargi Nightguard/ Gorslav the Gravekeeper/ Torgillius the Chamberlain
70mm deep tray compartments
2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep
Holds: 8x Soulblight Gravelords Vargheists/ Vargskyr
110mm deep tray compartments
1 depth tray - 110mm deep
Holds: 1x Soulblight Gravelords Neferata, Mortarch of Blood and Mannfred, Mortarch of Night
1 depth tray - 110mm deep
Holds: 1x Soulblight Gravelords Neferata, Mortarch of Blood/ Mannfred, Mortarch of Night and 2x Corpse Carts
1 depth tray - 110mm deep
Holds: 4x Soulblight Gravelords Corpse Carts
150mm deep tray compartments
1 1/3 depth tray - 150mm deep
Holds: 1x Soulblight Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon with wings modelled in a narrow pose on 100mm base/ Zombie Dragon with wings modelled in a narrow pose on 100mm base
Full Width Trays (Custom)
32mm deep tray compartments
1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep
Holds: Magnetic Tray 35mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
51mm deep tray compartments
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: Magnetic Tray 51mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 51mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
70mm deep tray compartments
2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep
Holds: Magnetic Tray 70mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 70mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
110mm deep tray compartments
1 depth tray - 110mm deep
Holds: Magnetic Tray 110mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base large vehicles and monsters up to 110mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm
Pick & Pluck
Note: Pick & Pluck trays require some modelling skills to create compartments to suit figures, vehicles, etc.
23mm deep tray compartments
1/4 depth tray - 23mm deep
Holds: 12x Soulblight Gravelords Deathrattle Skeletons or Deadwalker Zombies (With Standards/ Banner) or / 6x Cairn Wraiths
51mm deep tray compartments
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 4x Soulgblight Gravelords Blood Knights/ Wight Kings on Skeletal Steed
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 10x Soulblight Gravelords Vampire Lords/ Fellbats/ Radukar the Wolf/ Kosargi Nightguard/ Gorslav the Gravekeeper/ Torgillius the Chamberlain
70mm deep tray compartments
2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep
Holds: 1x Soulblight Gravelords Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead. Requires an additional V5T pick&pluck tray in a clamshell arrangement in a KRX or KRD
2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep
Holds: 4x Belladamma Volga, First of the Vyrkos/ Radukar, The Beast
2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep
Holds: 8x Soulblight Gravelords Vargheists/ Vargskyr
110mm deep tray compartments
1 depth tray - 110mm deep
Holds: 1x Soulblight Gravelords Mortis Engine/ Coven Throne/ Bloodseeker Palanquin and 1x Neferata, Mortarch of Blood/ Mannfred, Mortarch of Night
1 depth tray - 110mm deep
Holds: 1x Soulblight Gravelords Lauka Vai, Mother of Nightmares/ Vengorian Vampire Lord/ or 2x Neferata, Mortarch of Blood/ Mannfred, Mortarch of Night
Half Width Troop Trays
23mm deep tray compartments
1/4 depth tray - 23mm deep
Holds: 20x Soulblight Gravelords Deathrattle Skeletons or Deadwalker Zombies or Grave Guard (No Standard/ Banner)