Half Width Trays (Custom)
51mm deep tray compartments
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 15x Mounted Thorin Oakenshield (Pony), Mounted Kili the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Fili the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Balin the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Dwalin the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Bifur the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Bofur the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Bombur the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Ori the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Nori the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Dori the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Oin the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Gloin the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Bilbo Baggins (Pony), Mounted Gandalf the Grey (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Pick & Pluck
Note: Pick & Pluck trays require some modelling skills to create compartments to suit figures, vehicles, etc.
51mm deep tray compartments
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 15x Mounted Thorin Oakenshield (Pony), Mounted Kili the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Fili the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Balin the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Dwalin the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Bifur the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Bofur the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Bombur the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Ori the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Nori the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Dori the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Oin the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Gloin the Dwarf (Pony), Mounted Bilbo Baggins (Pony), Mounted Gandalf the Grey (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Half Width Troop Trays
23mm deep tray compartments
1/4 depth tray - 23mm deep
Holds: 20x Thorin Oakenshield, Kili the Dwarf, Fili the Dwarf, Balin the Dwarf, Dwalin the Dwarf, Bifur the Dwarf, Bofur the Dwarf, Bombur the Dwarf, Ori the Dwarf, Nori the Dwarf, Dori the Dwarf, Oin the Dwarf, Gloin the Dwarf, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf the Grey