
Figure Cases and Trays for Tabletop Gaming

soft foam for figures, hard cases for soft foam !


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Pre-selected Sets (Custom)

0.5 KRU

Harry Potter Set A holds:
Holds 18x Hogwarts Gryffindor/ Ravenclaw/ Slyherin/ Hupplepuff/ Neville Longbottom/ Piertotum Locomotor/ Order of the Phoenix/ Weasley Twins/ Fang/ Remus Lupin/ Werewolf Lupin/ Dumbledore's Army/ Hogwarts Professors and 10x Firenze/ Hagrid/ Unicorn/ Albus Dumbledore


0.5 KRU

Harry Potter Set B holds:
Holds 20x Hogwarts Gryffindor/ Ravenclaw/ Slyherin/ Hupplepuff/ Neville Longbottom/ Piertotum Locomotor/ Order of the Phoenix/ Weasley Twins/ Fang/ Remus Lupin/ Werewolf Lupin/ Dumbledore's Army/ Hogwarts Professors and 10x Firenze/ Hagrid/ Unicorn/ Albus Dumbledore


Half Width Trays (Custom)

32mm deep tray compartments

1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep

Holds: 20x Hogwarts Gryffindor/ Ravenclaw/ Slytherin/ Hupplepuff/ Neville Longbottom/ Piertotum Locomotor/ Order of the Phoenix/ Weasley Twins/ Fang/ Remus Lupin/ Werewolf Lupin/ Dumbledore's Army

51mm deep tray compartments

1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep

Holds: 15x Hogwarts Firenze/ Hagrid/ Unicorn/ Albus Dumbledore

70mm deep tray compartments

2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep

Holds: 15x Hogwarts Firenze/ Hagrid/ Unicorn/ Albus Dumbledore

Pick & Pluck

Note: Pick & Pluck trays require some modelling skills to create compartments to suit figures, vehicles, etc.

51mm deep tray compartments

1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep

Holds: 15x Hogwarts Firenze/ Hagrid/ Unicorn/ Albus Dumbledore

70mm deep tray compartments

2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep

Holds: 15x Hogwarts Firenze/ Hagrid/ Unicorn/ Albus Dumbledore

Half Width Troop Trays

32mm deep tray compartments

1/3 depth tray - 32mm deep

Holds: 18x Hogwarts Gryffindor/ Ravenclaw/ Slytherin/ Hupplepuff/ Neville Longbottom/ Piertotum Locomotor/ Order of the Phoenix/ Weasley Twins/ Fang/ Remus Lupin/ Werewolf Lupin/ Dumbledore's Army/ Hogwarts Professors

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