Half Width Trays (Custom)
23mm deep tray compartments
1/4 depth tray - 23mm deep
Holds: 20x Warlock Engineers/ Archwarlock/ Skryre Acolytes/ Skaven Warlord/ Storm Vermin
1/4 depth tray - 23mm deep
Holds: 15x Rat Swarms
51mm deep tray compartments
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 15x Rat Ogres
70mm deep tray compartments
2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep
Holds: 1x Thanqoul and Boneripper/ 1x Plague Claw / Plauge Furnace (On Classic 100mm x 50mm bases)/ 1x Hellpit Abomination and 2x Rat Ogres/ Warplock Jezzails/ Ratling Gun Weapon Teams/ Warp Grinder Weapon teams/ Poison Wind Mortar Teams
80mm deep tray compartments
3/4 depth tray - 80mm deep
Holds: 1x Vermin Lord Corruptor and 1x Plague Claw (on Classic 100mm x 50mm base)
110mm deep tray compartments
1 depth tray - 110mm deep
Holds: 2x Warplightning cannons/ 2x Doomwheel (No Banner)
Pick & Pluck
Note: Pick & Pluck trays require some modelling skills to create compartments to suit figures, vehicles, etc.
23mm deep tray compartments
1/4 depth tray - 23mm deep
Holds: 15x Rat Swarms
51mm deep tray compartments
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 12x Warplock Jezzails/ Ratling Gun Weapon Teams/ Warp Grinder Weapon teams/ Poison Wind Mortar Teams/ Doomflayer
1/2 depth tray - 51mm deep
Holds: 15x Rat Ogres
70mm deep tray compartments
2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep
Holds: 1x Thanqoul and Boneripper
2/3 depth tray - 70mm deep
Holds: 8x Stormfiends
110mm deep tray compartments
1 depth tray - 110mm deep
Holds: 1x Vermin Lord Corruptor/ Plague Furnace/ Plague Claw/ 2x Doomwheels/ Warp Lightning Cannons
Half Width Troop Trays
23mm deep tray compartments
1/4 depth tray - 23mm deep
Holds: 18x Warlock Engineers/ Archwarlock/ Skryre Acolytes/ Skaven Warlord/ Storm Vermin
1/4 depth tray - 23mm deep
Holds: 25x Scryre Acolytes/ Plague Censer Bearers/ Plague Monks/ Plague Priests/ Clanrats/ Gutter Runners/ Night Runners/ Giant Rats/ Rat Ogre Handlers/ Pack Masters/