
Figure Cases and Trays for Tabletop Gaming

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LEG-LEGA-B Pre-Filled Case

Star Wars Legion Core Set B

Holds the Star Wars: Legion Core Set, plus dice, cards and tokens, 14 Storm Troopers, 14 Rebel Troopers, 4 Speeder Bikes off stands, 1 AT-ST, 1 AT-RT, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader

Trays in this Set: 2x N4H, D1H, D2H, PAD-T

Game Systems & Armies that use this tray set

  • Fantasy Flight Games
    • Star Wars: Legion
      • Star Wars Legion (All factions)View SetView the Star Wars Legion (All factions) Tray guide
        • Holds the Star Wars: Legion Core Set, plus dice, cards and tokens, 14 Storm Troopers, 14 Rebel Troopers, 4 Speeder Bikes off stands, 1 AT-ST, 1 AT-RT, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader
      • Rebel AllianceView SetView the Rebel Alliance Tray guide
        • Holds the Star Wars: Legion Core Set, plus dice, cards and tokens, 14 Storm Troopers, 14 Rebel Troopers, 4 Speeder Bikes off stands, 1 AT-ST, 1 AT-RT, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader
      • ImperialView SetView the Imperial Tray guide
        • Holds the Star Wars: Legion Core Set, plus dice, cards and tokens, 14 Storm Troopers, 14 Rebel Troopers, 4 Speeder Bikes off stands, 1 AT-ST, 1 AT-RT, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader
  • Atomic Mass Games
    • Star Wars: Legion
      • Star Wars Legion (All factions)View SetView the Star Wars Legion (All factions) Tray guide
        • Holds the Star Wars: Legion Core Set, plus dice, cards and tokens, 14 Storm Troopers, 14 Rebel Troopers, 4 Speeder Bikes off stands, 1 AT-ST, 1 AT-RT, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader
      • Rebel AllianceView SetView the Rebel Alliance Tray guide
        • Holds the Star Wars: Legion Core Set, plus dice, cards and tokens, 14 Storm Troopers, 14 Rebel Troopers, 4 Speeder Bikes off stands, 1 AT-ST, 1 AT-RT, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader
      • ImperialView SetView the Imperial Tray guide
        • Holds the Star Wars: Legion Core Set, plus dice, cards and tokens, 14 Storm Troopers, 14 Rebel Troopers, 4 Speeder Bikes off stands, 1 AT-ST, 1 AT-RT, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader

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