SM59 |
£8.49 | Add to BasketWish List SendCancelEmail to a FriendEdit in TraySelector WHHH-AOD-C Pre-Filled Case |
20 compartments 50mm x 30mm, 51mm deep
(half width tray 255mm x 190mm), ideal for troops on 25-32mm bases with very dynamic poses up to 50mm tall
Game Systems & Armies that use this tray
The Horus Heresy
Legiones AstartesView SetView the Legiones Astartes Tray guide
- 20 Space Marines on 32mm bases (Iconography and dynamic poses) / 20 Legionaires from Betrayal at Calth (including Kurtha Sedd)/ Palatine Blades/ Dark Furies/ Mor Deythan/ Khenentai Occult Blades/ Invictarus Suzerains/ Headhunters/ Rapteors/ Medusan Immortals/ Pyroclasts/ Kakophoni/ Reavers/ Rampagers/ Ashen Circle/ Grey Slayers/ Templar Brethren/ Destroyers/ Breachers/ Despoilers/ MKIV Recon Squad/ Chaplain Consul/ Veterans/ Geigor Fell-hand/ Ahzek Ahriman/ Fafnir Rann (tall models with back banner take two compartments)
Warhammer 40,000
Blood AngelsView SetView the Blood Angels Tray guide
- 20 Blood Angels on 32mm bases (Iconography and dynamic poses)
Chaos Space MarinesView SetView the Chaos Space Marines Tray guide
- Chaos Marines 20x Chaos Space Marines/ Khorne Berserkers/ Noise Marines/ Lucius the Eternal/ Rubric Marines/ Plague Marines on 32mm bases (Iconography and dynamic poses)
Dark AngelsView SetView the Dark Angels Tray guide
- 20 Dark Angels on 32mm bases (Iconography and dynamic poses)
Grey KnightsView SetView the Grey Knights Tray guide
- 20 Grey Knights on 32mm bases (Iconography and dynamic poses)
Space MarinesView SetView the Space Marines Tray guide
- 20x Space Marines on 32mm bases (Iconography and dynamic poses)
Space WolvesView SetView the Space Wolves Tray guide
- 20 Space Wolves on 32mm bases (Iconography and dynamic poses)
Osprey Games
FrostgraveView SetView the Frostgrave Tray guide
- 20x Wizards / Apprentices / Soldiers / Enemies (32mm bases)
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