
Figure Cases and Trays for Tabletop Gaming

soft foam for figures, hard cases for soft foam !


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N4HS Pre-Filled Case

20x Echo Bravo/ Orc Troops/ Patsy Garnett/ Zulu-Cobra/ Hacker/ Jammer/ Jeanne d'Arc 2.0/ Magister Knights/ Svalarheima Nisses/ Gabriele De Fersen/ Crusader Brethren/ Locust/ Miranda Ashcroft/ Order Sergeants/ Teutonic Knights/ Neoterra Corporate Execs/ Croc men/ Snipers/ Aquila Guard/ Akalis Sikh Commandos/ Fusiliers/ Neoterra Bolts/ Indigo Spec-ops/ Knight of the Holy Sepulchre/ Hexus/ Knights Hospitaler/ Father-Knight

20 compartments (1/4 depth, half width tray)

Game Systems & Armies that use this tray

  • Corvus Belli
    • Infinity
      • PanoceaniaView SetView the Panoceania Tray guide
        • 20x Echo Bravo/ Orc Troops/ Patsy Garnett/ Zulu-Cobra/ Hacker/ Jammer/ Jeanne d'Arc 2.0/ Magister Knights/ Svalarheima Nisses/ Gabriele De Fersen/ Crusader Brethren/ Locust/ Miranda Ashcroft/ Order Sergeants/ Teutonic Knights/ Neoterra Corporate Execs/ Croc men/ Snipers/ Aquila Guard/ Akalis Sikh Commandos/ Fusiliers/ Neoterra Bolts/ Indigo Spec-ops/ Knight of the Holy Sepulchre/ Hexus/ Knights Hospitaler/ Father-Knight

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